This image supports authentication via public and private keys only, therefore you must make sure that you boot this image with an assigned key pair. The default username for this image unless modified by cloud-init
is: centos
Known Issues
Server has 8GB of storage only
Typically, images have a small script which extends their partitions to the full size of the disk before the first boot. As CentOS 6 is a fairly old release, it does not include these tools by default. Therefore, in order to be able to use all of your disk, you will need to run the following:
$ sudo yum install -y epel-release $ yum install -y cloud-init dracut-modules-growroot $ rpm -qa kernel | sed 's/^kernel-//' | xargs -I {} dracut -f /boot/initramfs-{}.img {}
Once the above is done, all you need is to restart your server and you'll notice that you have access to all your disk. The command above will install the tool ensures that the partition is extended until the end of the disk and extends the filesystem above it.
We are currently actively working with the CentOS upstream in order to get this change brought into the stock images which we deliver on our service.
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